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Tracey Horton
Business & Life Coach

Palm Leaves Shadow

What's Coming up at Tracey Horton International!

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Kayte - 28

"Tracey changed my life! She listened to all my problems, then through her self-care workshop, she led me to finding the real reasons behind my sadness. I am a new person; I have stopped crying daily and face every day with excitement. Tracey you are so amazing, and I am forever grateful". 

Lauren- 35

"So, that happened, I signed up for the 3 month "Orgasmic Life" experience, scared and unsure but by week 2 I was so glad that I did. This course is like nothing else on the market and my goodness did I get value for money. Tracey gave above and beyond including a night away at Versace to show me the life that "could be". I could not recommend this enough- you will never be the same". 

Tracey Horton changed my life

Adam Brand 

"Tracey has the ability to cut through the clutter and see directly into your soul, she is brutally honest and fiercely passionate about making the world better one person at a time. I needed to read this book, you need to read this book, the whole world needs to read this book."
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Rebecca- 43 

"Tracey saw me when no one else did. I was at an event and Tracey asked me one question that opened up an avalanche of tears. Tracey holds sage wisdom and a depth of love that causes you to naturally heal in her presence. I am a more secure, centred person after working one on one with Tracey". 

Jack & Bree- 40

"We came to Tracey to sort our marriage, and not only did we end up sorting our marriage, but Tracey helped us both with our individual goals and we now have a wonderful business. Tracey is a woman with the capacity to help you with anything and has a heart of gold. We love you Tracey". 

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Tracey Horton International

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